
Hi! I'm Lacie, owner of Woodbe Co. Thank you for checking out my shop! I am the mother of 4, and my 4 are my biggest helpers. They are helping stick stickers to packages & labels, & help me get all the packages out to the mail in time for our mailman. When you buy from us, there are some tiny little humans doing the happy dance with me each time we see an order come in. THANK YOU! 

If you are wondering how I came up with the name Woodbe Co. Here is the story.

My children are my passion, my life, my love, my motivation. I  had a dream to start a wood shop. Everything wooden. I     couldn't come up with a name. Each time I  discussed with my husband an idea -- we would always say "The would be.... nice. " Or if I    should do this product idea, "That would be..." etc. 

As I  thought about the needs of a mama, and her children, my desires grew to more than just toys. I  wanted to help moms make their life more simple -- A gift for a child, or for a husband; Even gifts for themselves or to bring joy into their own home. "That "would be" the perfect thing for me!" I  turned "would be" (past) into Woodbe reality. We turn dreams into hope. We turn failure to success. Making each day a bit easier. Maybe its a soft blanket to hold your baby. Maybe the diaper bag that Ive changed nearly everything from the conventional one. Maybe its the gift for Him. As moms -- its hard to do it all. Woodbe helps take the stress on the perfect gift. Adds joy to anyone that receives every single package. THANK YOU!  

"When you buy from a small business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college. Our customers are our shareholders, and THEY are the ones we strive to make happy." Thank you for supporting our small business!